Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A little chat

A fortnight before this day - time reference chosen because of its beautiful sound, not because of its absent truthfulness -, in the darkest of nights, I have had a little chat with the Unnameable Namer. I have asked of Him whether He insists on refusing to utter His Name in order to avoid being called upon or to hinder any historical enquiry on His origins on libraries hither and thither.

He answered: "Names are powerful chains. Were humans not to be encaged from the Universe through their names, they would be as I am: omnipresent, omniscient, almighty. I gave them light and I gave them a mirror, the reflection of self, the best way of binding a conscient mind to a limited reality. The indivisible infinity of truth is marred by mankind's fences. I retain a healthy unawareness of myself, and thus I retain the Universe. When mankind came into being, I was there to light their way; should humanity cease to exist, I shall be the one present to dim the lights and pave their way up to nothingness."

In His light, we see what He wants us to see, I wondered. Fools have we been with our concerns about lenses and filters when it has been light itself the very source of corruption of truths.